Technological projects portfolio


MicroRNA for the treatment of intestinal inflammation

Investment: €634k

Scope: Healthcare

Scientific field(s): Biology and medicinal chemistry

Institution(s): Université Paris-Saclay - INRAE

Development: Technology to be marketed

#Inflammation #ClostridiumDifficile #MiRNA


Clostridioides difficile (C. diff) is a gram-positive bacterium responsible for 15 to 25% of nosocomial post-antibiotic diarrhoea and 95% of pseudomembranous colitis. The main risk factors associated with these infections (CDI) are antibiotic therapy, hospitalisation and age.

Treatment of CDIs is mainly based on antibiotic therapies which are generally sufficient for recovery. However, antibiotics do not reduce the inflammation which is linked to the severity of the infection, therefore requiring a longer recovery period and increasing the length of hospitalisation, possibly with serious (surgical) complications for severe forms and persons at risk.


MIR technology is an innovative therapeutic solution based on a microRNA that represents an alternative therapeutic approach with few or no side effects which, in association with antibiotics, makes it possible to reduce inflammation and thereby the length and cost of treatment of patients infected by C. diff.


The aim of the MIR project is to develop a treatment that reduces inflammation of the intestines to be administered alongside antibiotic therapy.

This treatment will be particularly suitable for patients with moderate to severe forms of CDI.