Calls for applications
Within the framework of its technology transfer mission, SATT Paris–Saclay initiates, on a regular basis, calls for applications with research laboratories of the Université Paris-Saclay and the Institut Polytechnique de Paris.

Aim: to remove the technical obstacles and secure the intellectual property in order to turn a technology into a product and bring off its industrial transfer.
Technological maturity prerequisite
Market maturity prerequisite
Intellectual property
Two-phase selection process:
1. A pre-selection phase to choose the finalists: pitch to SATT Paris-Saclay team who will assess the innovative nature, maturity and added value of your project vis-a-vis the market, the robustness of its IP and the motivation of your team: the best projects will be selected as “finalists” and will have the opportunity to enhance and validate their technology/market suitability in preparation for the selection phase
2. A selection phase to choose the winners: following three months of work to strengthen your application, you will make a joint presentation to SATT Paris-Saclay bodies (Investment Committee and Board of Directors) to obtain final validation of your project and, as one of the winners, benefit from the entire Tech Transfer program
The call for applications offers program finalists:
The call for applications offers program winners:
Achieve a satisfactory maturity level

Aim: to create a proof of concept which can be applied on an identified market.

Aim: to create a proof of concept which can be applied and to define an optimal technology transfer strategy.
Technological maturity prerequisite
Market maturity prerequisite
Intellectual property
SATT Paris-Saclay Investment up to 100 k€ along with 9 to 12 months support enabling:
The training of the young Ph.D. in technology transfer, with the aim of creating a startup which will develop and market the identified product or service or the granting of a license to an industrial partner is an integral part of the support program.