Technological projects portfolio


Crystal oscillator for time and frequency systems

Investment: €308k

Scope: Digital and Electronics

Scientific field(s): Physics-Chemistry and Optics

Institution(s): ONERA

Development: Technology to be marketed

#QuartzResonator #HighPerformance #Miniaturisation


The project involves the creation of a miniature quartz crystal resonator.

In general, oscillators are the guardians of time for electronic systems, and particularly all embedded systems.

A key application of this new resonator is to provide a time reference for the base stations in the future 5G mobile telephony network, where the specifications in terms of precision, size, energy consumption and environmental sensitivity are significantly stricter than for 4G.


TF-PIMS aims to develop a miniature quartz crystal resonator and to optimise the associated manufacturing process.

TF-PIMS provides significant savings in terms of volume, cost and power consumption, with performance levels that rival those of the best current resonators.


The goal of the project is to respond to the growing need for high-performance oscillators, small in size and low in energy consumption, for current embedded applications and future applications such as 5G base stations and autonomous vehicles.