Technological projects portfolio


Making it easy to estimate seismic risk using digital binoculars

Investment : €115k

Scope: Digital and Electronics

Scientific field(s): Maths, STIC and Nanotechnology

Institution(s): CentraleSupélec - ENS Paris-Saclay - CNRS

Development: Technology to be marketed

#DigitalBinoculars #Earthquake #Software


Losses due to seismic events are often underestimated and their risk calculation model still empirical. Yet estimating this seismic risk is important for protecting and insuring modern societies, their infrastructures and for better urban planning.

The physical simulation of a seismic event, based on a digital twin of a geographical area, would make it possible to link the empirical data and the simulated data.

EASYRISK aims to simplify the estimation of seismic risk by relying on numerical simulations based on physics and machine learning, at different scales: region, city, infrastructure. EASYRISK enables rapid prototyping of your digital seismic twin with a user-friendly interface to take advantage of high-frequency computing technology.


The SaaS format of the EASYRISK software will be suitable for agile, on-demand estimation of the seismic hazard and site-specific losses, across multiple scales (region, city, structure) and multiple scenarios. This provides flexibility and modularity for users for customized studies.

EASYRISK will be compatible with multiple open-source or proprietary databases, highly automated, and will leverage proven wave propagation simulation software for physics-based simulations.

The digital twin of the EASYRISK geographical area can be enriched with databases of topography, subsoil, seismic zones and buildings, using APIs and compatible with OpenQuake.


EASYRISK targets the insurance sector in particular to refine studies of seismic risk in regions where no records are available.

The construction sector can be addressed by improving the design of structures and infrastructure, taking into account local site conditions, uncertainty and regional risk.

For public decision-makers and local authorities, EASYRISK can help urban planners adapt the city’s exposure to earthquake damage.