Technological projects portfolio


Detecting the interests of residents in each neighbourhood to improve the efficiency of public policy

Investment: €517k

Scope: Digital and Electronics

Scientific field(s): Mathematics, Information and communications science and tech. (STIC) and nanotechnology

Institution(s): Université Paris-Saclay - CentraleSupélec - CNRS

Development: Technology to be marketed

#GDPR #Public #Policy


Local authorities want to improve the efficiency of their public policy to take better account of residents’ needs.

In the current context, where management costs need to be optimised, knowledge of residents’ needs and behaviours in a particular neighbourhood of a particular town becomes a major asset.

But how can this data be analysed in compliance with the new regulatory provisions on personal data protection? That’s the goal of the DATA FOR YOU project.


DATA FOR YOU is based on an analysis technology for individuals’ behaviours, personality traits and interests. It is designed to detect problems and anticipate needs.

The analysis tool uses algorithms to cross-reference multiple sources of information (town council population database, social media etc.) and create links between different items of data about individual residents. It complies fully with the new regulatory provisions on data protection (GDPR), and in particular it ensures residents’ anonymity.


Decision support tool to guide local public policy on behalf of municipalities of over 3,500 residents subject to the GDPR regulations.