Technological projects portfolio


More effective and motivating walking rehabilitation with an active Augmented Reality video game

Investment: €390k

Scope: Health

Scientific field(s): Mathematics, STIC and nanotechnology

Institution(s): Université d’Evry - Fondation Ellen Poidatz

Development: Technology to be marketed

#MotorRehabilitation #AugmentedReality #ActiveVideoGame


Successful walking rehabilitation is a major issue for patient independence and quality of life.

Traditional clinical practices face certain limitations in relation to the recommendations: low observance, lack of motivation, difficulty monitoring intensity and progress of rehabilitation, lack of rehabilitative resources.

ARROW is a motivating and fun and active augmented reality video game that meets all these needs to intensify rehabilitation and improve walking for the benefit of patients.


The first active augmented reality walking rehabilitation video game adapted for children, ARROW has been clinically evaluated and can be used as a complement to traditional care.

ARROW (Augmented Reality Rehabilitation of Walking) is a solution that makes it possible to maintain a high level of motivation, direct therapy towards a specific goal and adapt the content and intensity to the child’s progress.

ARROW is a digital assistant to the therapist, who can entrust it with guiding certain sequences and missions to quantify their patient’s performance and progress.


The ARROW solution enables walking rehabilitation in a real environment, without restriction of movement, by adopting their natural walking pattern and usual walking aids. The solution can be adapted to all walking disorders, regardless of age, with a particular focus on children/adolescents with neurological motor disabilities.

According to INSEE, in 2023, the French population has just over 4.120 million people over 75 years of age. That’s almost 1.5 million people affected by mobility problems. The patient potential is therefore quite vast.