Technological projects portfolio

Smart antenna optimising Very High-Speed Radio

Investment: €74k

Scope: Digital and Electronics

Scientific field(s): Mathematics, Information and communications science and tech. (STIC) and nanotechnology

Institution(s): CentraleSupélec - ONERA

Development: Start-up in progress/completed

#Relay #HighSpeed #AI


Very high-speed internet access improves the user experience and expands the range of possibilities.

However, there remains a high level of inequality in access to optical fibre for French households due to the slow pace of the fibre roll-out, at a time when ADSL bandwidth is now seen as inadequate.

The SMART WAVES technology enables wireless broadband solutions to fill the gap in residential internet provision.


The SMART WAVES technology is an agile antenna system with a built-in artificial intelligence module that integrates easily into wireless broadband solutions.

The technology provides many advantages, combining performance with a high level of integration: 5G compatibility, guaranteed maximum speed, small size and reduced manufacturing cost.


The technology targets wireless broadband equipment used to satisfy residential internet access needs in homes that do not yet have access to optical fibre or have a limited speed.