Technological projects portfolio


Topical immunomodulator for the treatment of lupus-related pathologies

Investment: €528k

Scope: Healthcare

Scientific field(s): Biology and medicinal chemistry

Institution(s): Université Paris-Saclay - CNRS - Inserm

Development: Technology to be marketed

#Lupus #TopicalTreatment #Immunomodulator


Lupus pathologies are chronic auto-immune diseases that can take on different forms from one patient to the next: regardless of which part of the body is affected. The evolution of the disease is also random, alternating between flares and remission periods.

Like many auto-immune diseases, the treatments that exist target the symptoms and not the causes of the pathology. Among these treatments, corticosteroids and immunosuppressants lead to unwanted side effects.


The MEDARS project aims to develop a candidate medication to fight lupus using an inorganic molecule that has not yet been used for therapeutic ends.

This form is only slightly cytotoxic, and therefore does not cause many side effects. It is suitable for chronic treatment.

It acts as an immunomodulator on the cytokine balance and can be administered topically to treat severe skin lesions.


The main application of MEDARS is the treatment of lupus pathologies with skin lesions, as an alternative to or in combination with corticosteroids.