Deeptech factory
ThrustMe enables economic and environmental sustainability of the rapidly growing space industry by their groundbreaking portfolio of true turnkey and streamlined in-orbit propulsion solutions for a wide range of satellite platforms and missions.
ThrustMe has also developed and already delivered unique ionosphere generator for ground testing of satellite payloads and platforms.
ThrustMe’s propulsion systems are used for various orbital manouvers from drag compensations, collision avoidence, orbital changes in altitude or inclenations, constellation phasing etc.
ThrustMe’s ionosphere generator and diagnostic is developed to give the space community the opportunity to test and validate important electrical systems, such as communication antennas for satellites, or various onboard scientific instruments and diagnostics, before they are launched into space.
ThrustMe’s product portfolio are true turnkey solutions that reduces both direct and indirect cost for their clients, while ensuring the optimal tradeoff between high total impulse density (small dense volumes with efficient use of propellant) and thrust-to-power ration (high enough force for low enough power to deliver the total impulse over the course of the mission). ThrustMe’s proprietary and patented innovations spans from the storage and use of iodine to optimised electronics hardware and acceleration mechanisms.